
Rescheduling Initiative

Next Steps for Rescheduling and Ensuring Science is on the Record

What Happened?

A proposed rule by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was posted in the federal register on May 21st to transfer cannabis from schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) to schedule III. This change recognizes the medical benefits of cannabis and lowers its abuse potential that was evidenced by HHS’s review.

This action is HISTORIC. This is the fifth time in 50 years that cannabis has been considered for reclassification, but only the first time a proposed rule was posted to move cannabis to schedule III.

What Schedule III Means?

Medical Benefits Recognized

Acknowledges cannabis' medical benefits and lower abuse potential than schedule I and II drugs.

Removing the §280E Tax Burdens

Eases tax burdens on cannabis businesses.

Lowered Barrier for More Research

Better facilitates research by removing certain barriers.

What Does this NOT Mean

Not Legalized

Rescheduling is not legalization.

Not Interstate

Rescheduling is not interstate commerce.

Not Banking

Rescheduling is not access to banking.

The S3 Collective and MCSA comment

On 7/22/24, S3 Collective and the Medical Cannabis Student Association (MCSA) submitted a comprehensive public comment to the DOJ and DEA, advocating for the reclassification of cannabis to a Schedule III drug. Our response highlights cannabis' accepted medical uses in the U.S. and its lower potential for abuse when compared to Schedule I and II drugs. 

We extend our deepest gratitude to the dedicated volunteers who contributed to our literature review and to the drafting and editing of our public comment. Their commitment and hard work have been invaluable in creating an evidence-based, impactful document that puts science on the record. 

Together, we are making significant strides towards informing cannabis regulatory policy. Thank you to all our volunteers for their unwavering support and passion for this important cause!

Disclaimer: All individuals listed as contributors are volunteers and do not represent any company or organization in their capacity as volunteers for this project.

Dr. Alisha Holloway

Dr. Anke Ginzburg

Dr. Bonnie Coffa

Dr. Corey Burchman

Dr. Erin Walsh

Dr. Miyabe Shields

Dr. Riley Kirk

Dr. Robert Welch

Akilah Witherspoon

Alex Anderson

Alfonza Riley

Alicia Schaal

Angela French

Antoine Smith

Arnelle Etienne

Bailey Booth

Chelsea Mitchell

Christina Shifflett

Claire Fremuth

Claire Puglise

Danielle Rocha

Edith Petra Geller

Guinevere Dorado

Heather Carter

Jassmin Brown

John Jirout

Julianne Williams

Jordan Z. Miesner-David

Kamilah Bennett

Karen Jaynes

Kelly OSada

Krystal Selover

Kyleigh Cumming

Lisa Boone

Marley Johnson

Maryann Aniekwe

Mike Harvey

Nicole Robins

Nyomi Barrick-Wommack

Patti Ormiston

Raquel Mayer-Delgado

Rashida George

Renita Wright

Ron Morton

Sabrina Fayaz

Sara Narum

Sarah Needham

Sarah Steenbergen

Steve Landuyt

Summer Kriegshauser

Sydney Pierce

Winnifred Manu

How can you help?

Spread the Word

Spread the Word: Educate others about this critical issue.

​L​earn How

Make a Donation

Your tax-deductible donation supports our efforts to submit a robust public comment packed with evidence and data.


Together, we can ensure that science shapes the future of cannabis!

Submitting a Public Comment?

While our team of experts is working to lead a strategic public comment that puts science on the record, we recognize that many of you may want to submit your own. If so, we invite you to review what our friends at the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) and the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) has prepared on this topic.

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